Not everybody can just decide to sleep. Some have difficulty doing so that keeps them tossing and turning in bed. It’s not that they are not sleepy, they are but still sleep eludes them. The elders will probably blame it on being overly stressed or on too much on the mind that rest will not come. The mind continues to wander and the adrenaline still working.
Nutritionally, we will look in on our calcium reserves and have a glass of warm milk at bedtime to relax our muscles. Vitamin D also affects sleep with its effect on the body’s circadian rhythm. That’s why exposure to sunlight is important. Vitamin E likewise is being given consideration especially concerning restless leg syndrome thus the need for nuts especially almonds, mango and good oils such as corn, safflower and soybean oils. B- vitamins also have to be prioritized for the deficiencies that affects sleep; B6 for the sleep hormone production; and B12, Folic Acid and Niacin to avoid insomnia and sleep disruptions.
But there still are some things we can do to help us have the good night sleep when we want to, the way we want to. SILVA INSTITUTION SYSTEM explained it fairly well how sleeping happens. There are phases of sleep that is best achieved for us to feel rested. Is there a time when you sit up in bed as the alarm chimes and in your mind you say “did I sleep?” Sometimes it seems that you just lay down awake all night with your eyes closed. And there are times when you wake up feeling refreshed, with or without dreams. Just a thought, I wonder how they know and concluded on the meaning of dreams. They say that the first 90 minutes of sleep we are at the phase called Delta Phase. Then it shifts to Alpha and Theta where dreaming occurs.
But the problem usually is the dozing off. We can’t sleep. Some revert to sleeping pills or drugs to make them sleep which actually is more harmful than helpful. Silva says outright that “Drugs can actually be very counterproductive because they interfere with normal sleep and dream cycles.” These drugs make you claim sleep in a process that is not natural bypassing the phases which results to undesirable effects like irritability, confusion, memory gap, and mild hallucinations. Loss of libido is another consequence to face not anyone will appreciate.
And so Silva shares the most useful Sleep Control technique where she gives her personal way on how to fall asleep instantly. To best define it briefly, let’s call it the “boredom technique”. In your mind create a spiraling number counting from 100 and as you go along bear in mind the word “deeper”. As you go along doing this, your brain will perceive it as boring and shuts down the system. With mastery, you can go to sleep anytime you want to and wake up feeling rested and alert.
And there also are some who can’t seem to stop falling asleep the moment they get relaxed in a couch, or in any other chair. Notice people at church and see how many tries to fight back sleep? Maybe you are among them and learn the Silva Method Clock Exercise and Awake Control Exercise that helps you wake up when you need to…even before the alarm sets off. I love that Silva reveals that “the most amazing aspect of this exercise is the development of your ability to focus your attention on a goal and manifest that goal when you want”. It is therefore not just for your sleeping and waking but for your totality as a person.