As per eMedicineHealth, "The electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a diagnostic tool that measures and records the electrical activity of the heart in exquisite detail. Interpretation of these details allows diagnosis of a wide range of heart conditions. These conditions can vary from minor to life threatening."This I have undergone yesterday after my newfound cardiologist Dr. Pacifico asked me to have one since I complained of feeling a difference in my heartbeat. Years ago I have felt this unusual beating but very very seldom. "Once in a blue moon" they say. But for two weeks now I have been feeling this somewhat fluttering of my heart. More like swooshing. And it has been there daily, a cause for alarm on my part. I listened to it in our stethoscope and at first do not hear the change but feels it each time, then the other day I noticed the beat skipping. It stops for a beat and returns with a little more force than usual. It does so at differing times in a day. May I be exerting effort or just lying down when I sleep it just suddenly comes and goes. I took my heart rate and found it to be just normal, 89 beats per minute, but at one time felt it to be beating harder than usual. I also took my blood pressure and still it is normal 90/60 (at one time became 80/60 maybe with lack of sleep and 110/80 when Dr. Pacifico took it). There had been no chest pains nor dizziness but at one time felt a little shortness of breath.
Therefore, without further ado, I went looking for the best cardiologist nearby hoping I do not have any heart disease. The ECG was not able to catch the irregular heartbeat as I am afraid it won't since it is utterly unpredictable...thus declares the heart beating NORMAL. ECG is usually just the first step to other procedures. Further need for more examinations commonly follows, as was in my case, to which is ordered to have 2D ECHO next.
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