Do you feel lost? Bare? Insignificant? Just as what you do when there is a place you cannot find, a puzzle you cannot solve, or a thought you cannot recall- YOU GO BACK TO WHERE YOU STARTED.
WITH GOD is where we started, our Creator. And living is because of Him, for Him. And so, you cannot find the answers if each and every time you have a raised question you center it upon yourself. What do I want to be? What is my goal in life? One can easily set their minds to these questions but they don't always end up as they planned it.
What is my purpose in life? This is one question many stops dead in their track. Some may guess, but most end up saying, "I don't really know". Then again, nobody better can tell an invention's purpose that its inventor. And it this instance, it is God who can answer us. And just like all inventors, He created a manual to guide us. The Bible. Everything is in there. His revelations how to live this life...all about life and our purpose in living.
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I am personally disclosing that this blog is written by me and only me; and all posts inclusive since 16 June 2009. Content is of personal opinion, view, belief and knowledge but ensures honesty and fairness. In the event that you have questions or reactions, as some topics may present conflict of interest, feel free to let me know by sending a message at As in other policies, “any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question”. This blog accepts different forms of compensation, like that of cash advertising, sponsorship or paid insertions; though may not always be revealed or visibly apparent.